For enquiries concerning baptisms, wedding, blessings, funerals, pastoral or personal matters, church membership enquiries, or about this web site, please contact the Rector, on: 020 84657307. Or email: For postal enquiries please send to: The Rector, 43 Rectory Place, Woolwich, London, SE18 5DA.
For enquiries concerning church life, church services, church membership, or volunteering, please contact the Church Wardens:
Mr Dax Sobowale:
Mr David Thompson:
Mr Emmanuel Jackson:
For enquiries concerning general parish matters, please contact the PCC Secretary, Mrs. L. van der Valk:
For St Mary’s Mother’s Union branch please contact: Mrs Marina Kamara:
The Church postal address is: St Mary Magdalene Church, St Mary Magdalene Crescent, Woolwich, London, SE18 5AR.
This web site was built, designed, and is edited by The Rector.