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For our page concerning praying for and giving to those in need in Ukraine, please click here.

For enquiries concerning baptisms, wedding, blessings, funerals, pastoral or personal matters, church membership enquiries, or about this web site, please contact the Rector, on: 020 84657307. Or email:  For postal enquiries please send to: The Rector, 43 Rectory Place, Woolwich, London, SE18 5DA.

For enquiries concerning church life, church services, church membership, or volunteering, please contact the Church Wardens:

Mr Dax Sobowale:

Mr David Thompson:

Mr Emmanuel Jackson:

For enquiries concerning general parish matters, please contact the PCC Secretary, Mrs. L. van der Valk:

For St Mary’s Mother’s Union branch please contact: Mrs Marina Kamara:

The Church postal address is: St Mary Magdalene Church, St Mary Magdalene Crescent, Woolwich, London, SE18 5AR.

This web site was built, designed, and is edited by The Rector.

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