On the first day of the week, each one of us should set aside a sum of money, which is affordable and keeping in line with our income. (1 Corinthians 16:2)
We have all been called to give generously and cheerfully, and this pleases God who will reward us accordingly. (1 Corinthians 9:7 and Luke 6:38)
The following are various ways you can give to the Church:
REGULAR GIVING: You can give regularly either weekly or monthly. Offerings can be either tithes (a proportion of your income), or a fixed regular amount. These gifts can be put in the collection during Sunday services, or you can pay directly by bank transfer (see below for details).
ONE-OFF GIFTS: On your birthdays, other anniversaries and various occasions, you can donate to the church either for a specific project or activity or as general offering. Each year the church will have a Gift Day, as a focus for a gift from each member.
LEGACY: Please consider making a legacy to St Mary Magdalene Church, Woolwich in your Will.
STANDING ORDER/DIRECT DEBIT: You can donate to the church by standing order or direct debit (see below for bank account details).
GIFT-AID: You can increase your regular or occasional giving to the church by gift-aiding it, if you pay either Income or Capital Gains tax. The church will receive 25 pence for every £1.00 you give, at no cost to yourself from the Inland Revenue. - Please click here to download a Gift Aid Form, then complete it and return it to our Gift Aid Officer (Mr David Thompson)
Cheque’s should be made payable to ST MARY MAGDALENE CHURCH, WOOLWICH.
The church bank account details for bank transfers and standing orders/direct debits are:
SORT CODE: 602426
Not only are we called upon to give financially, we are also called to give of our TIME AND TALENTS/SKILLS to the service of God.
In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own. (2 Corinthians 8: 2 -3)