Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)
St Mary Magdalene School, is a Church of England primary school and nursery located in the Parish of Woolwich. There is also a new primary age site on the peninsula in Greenwich and a secondary age site in Blackheath Standard. The school and church have close links with each other. The Rector takes assemblies in all three schools every half term, and also takes services in the school halls to celebrate festivals, such as Easter, Harvest and Christmas, and the Leavers Service. Members of the church are Governors of the school, and the Head Teacher works closely with the church. A school chaplain is also based in all three schools and at Christchurch School, Greenwich.
Because St Mary Magdalene School is a Church of England school, one of the main criteria for gaining a place at any of the three sites is regular attendance at St Mary Magdalene Church, Woolwich. The children of families that do attend our church regularly, for at least one year, are prioritised in the admissions list. Others families can apply to send their children to the school as well, as the school is open to all the children in the area, but they will need to apply under other criteria on the admissions policy.
St Mary Magdalene School is a happy, successful, and oversubscribed school and nursery and promotes all aspects of its pupils education and welfare. The school has a Christian ethos based especially on the teachings of the Church of England.
The aims of St. Mary Magdalene School are:
To create a caring, stimulating, happy environment where adults and children are safe and secure, valued as individuals and are encouraged to meet new experiences with confidence.
To foster and nurture the Christian faith and ethos of the Church of England within the school by example, teaching and close links with the Christian community.
To enable children and adults to develop spiritually, socially, intellectually and emotionally.
To provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which will equip pupils with the skills and knowledge needed for 21st century life.
To constantly strive to raise our standards of teaching, learning and attainment, even when they are already deemed good.
To recognise the individual needs of the children and match those needs, enabling every child to realise their full potential.
To develop in the children a responsible moral attitude as members of a community, respecting the needs of others.
To develop a partnership between the home, the school, the church and the wider community recognising the contributions, which they play in the development of every child.
To promote a healthy lifestyle through the curriculum and providing opportunities to eat healthily and exercise regularly.
For further information about St Mary Magdalene Primary or Secondary School see: